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The Book of Nehemiah #5

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This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series The Book of Nehemiah (Rich Glasgow)

Chapter four of Nehemiah is about opposition and how to deal with it. It seems like whenever you’ve got an important job to do, something will inevitably come up to make the job even more difficult. Don’t you find that to be the case? And the more important the job, the bigger the obstacle, right?

Why is it that, when you’re in the middle of what might be a mission from God, the adversary pops up out of the blue into a seemingly impossible mission?

Series Navigation<< The Book of Nehemiah #4The Book of Nehemiah #6 >>


Rich Glasgow

Richard Glasgow, Ambassador College graduate and avid student of Ron Dart, brings the Minor Prophets and the Book of Daniel to life. Intriguing lessons you'll never forget!

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