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The Book of Genesis #28

This entry is part 28 of 33 in the series The Book of Genesis (Wes White) [1]

Thank you for joining us for our Weekend Bible Study. I’m Wes White.

For those of you who haven’t heard, I’m sorry to inform you of the death of Mr. Ronald L. Dart last Sabbath morning. As you know, Mr. Dart founded Christian Educational Ministries in 1995 and is the voice of the Born To Win radio program. He died peacefully in his sleep at his home in Whitehouse, Texas. His funeral was held a couple of days ago—on Wednesday.

It is an understatement to tell you we are all so saddened by his passing. People from all over the world have expressed their condolences to Mrs. Dart.

So, may I have a frank talk with you about Mr. Dart’s passing? Because right now, you may be thinking—What is going to be the fate of Christian Educational Ministries? My answer? Be of good cheer! Let me assure you that CEM will continue to serve people just as it has for the last 21 years. It is the intention of Mrs. Dart and all those ministers helping CEM that this ministry will continue on for decades and decades to come. CEM has a vast storehouse of books and booklets, CDs, DVDs, youth Bible programs and various publications. The Darts have created an immense library of Bible materials that will continue to benefit thousands of people for a long, long time. So please don’t worry about the future of CEM. We are going to do what we’ve always done—preach the Gospel and feed the flock. Christian Educational Ministries is here to serve you and will continue to do so, hopefully, until the return of Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

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