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Why I Keep the Sabbath

Why do I observe the seventh-day Sabbath Day? On the Born to Win radio program I often have made reference to the Sabbath Day, and if a person listens very long they will be aware of the fact that I am a Sabbatarian.

It is not a long story and it is a fairly straightforward story and I am approaching it as to “Why I Keep the Sabbath Day” as a personal testimony, in the hope that out of my own belief system, out of my own feelings about this important day, you might come to learn and share my feelings about it.

Most people, who claim to be religious, whether they are Jewish or Christian, believe in keeping the Ten Commandments. That is a given. The Fourth Commandment is the one commandment that is called into question consistently. Even the people who believe that the Ten Commandments were done away with, believe that nine of the Commandments were reinstated in the New Testament. They have some convoluted discussion or argument about how that actually works.

If you are going to start with this question, you have to start with the Ten Commandments, because that is where the Sabbath Day is outlined in clarity.