What is the shape of a flock of sheep? This probably belongs on a list of the world’s most meaningless questions, for a flock of sheep has no shape. It is a collection of living …
Could Christ Return Tonight?
View PostBasic Christianity: The Opening Gambit
The Christian faith must seem downright confusing to an onlooker. Even the largest, seemingly the most monolithic Christian denominations are, in reality, composed of many factions. Unless you are an insider, you can remain unaware …
Second and Third Tithes
View PostA Funeral Service for Anyone
When we are young, we are a little unsure about funerals. We don’t like to think about death and we are uncomfortable being around people who are grieving. We don’t know how to feel, and …
A Second Chance?
“There are two kinds of people in the world,” intoned the preacher, “the saved and the lost. There is no middle ground with God.” Now there is a sobering thought. If indeed there are only …
Why Did Abraham Tithe?
When God gave Abraham his great victory over the King of Elam, he was met on his return by an enigmatic figure, a priest, by the name of Melchizedek. What is of special interest about …
The Grace to Die Well
(This article was written by Ronald L. Dart in the 1980’s) When it comes my turn to die—and it will come—I hope that God will give me the grace to die well. I know I …
A Christian Harvest Festival
One of the great losses to the nominal Christian faith was the abandonment of the holy days of the Bible—their dismissal as merely Jewish institutions. And surely, one of the greatest of the Christian holy …
The Apocalypse Exposed
If ever a word was found that denoted the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm, it is the word: apocalypse. It has been used as the title for books and movies, articles and sermons, always …
The Division of Abijah
Amazingly, the New Testament does not start with the birth of Jesus; it starts with the birth of John the Baptist. That may be surprising; however, it is significant to us in understanding the birth …
Do They Know?
Do all men know that you are a disciple of Christ? Can they tell through the love you demonstrate to your brethren and your fellow man? John 13:35 states By this everyone will know that …
Let’s Do God’s Work Together
Good Christian writing is not the writer talking about himself. Good Christian writing is talking about subjects that will encourage the reader to look to Christ. So please forgive me because I am going to …
Teaching Creation
Secular scientists reject the Creator and the testimony of his Word, much like Charles Darwin who rejected God and believed that “deity” was the mind of man. Today most schools teach the theory of evolution …
Keeping the Sabbath Holy
Just what does it mean to keep the Sabbath? What should a person do on that day? Or, as some prefer to ask, what should a person not do? Can you work at your normal …
When the Righteous Thrive…
“When The Righteous Thrive, The People Rejoice, But When A Wicked Man Rules, The People Groan” That verse is found in the Book of Proverbs, chapter 29, verse 2 and its profundity is eternal regardless …
Becoming Deceived
It has long troubled me how deception occurs. How can a sound mind come to believe a lie? Over the years, most have witnessed this process. People lead righteous, upright lives, seemingly filled with the …
Where’s Your Blind Spot
Any time you get in a car, you’ll probably notice the blind spots peculiar to that particular vehicle. An inattentive passenger may not be aware of the blind spots, but the driver has to be …
What’s a Christian to Do?
Part One Broadly speaking, within the Christian community there are two divergent ways of looking at the political process and our civic opportunities or responsibilities. There are those who exercise their civic right to participate …
The Unraveling of the United States
Part One June 3, 2013 Is it just me, or does it seem like this country is spiraling out of control at an unprecedented rate? Even casual observers have to be wondering what’s happening to …