The end of the world. It’s a chilling thought, isn’t it? I can remember long summer evenings on the front porch of our house in Arkansas, listening to my elders talk about the Bible as …
Born to Win
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Staying Power
What do you do when you have already done all you can? You are in trouble and there is no way out. You are sick and the doctors have done all they can. You are …
Christ and the Serpent
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Caretaker or Savior?
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Babylon the Great
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Why Marriages Fail
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Small Things
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Why Do People Fight?
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Islam in History and Prophecy
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Trumpets and the Return of Christ
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Identity or Idolatry?
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Elements of Deceit
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
God’s Standards
One of the greatest gifts God ever gave us is the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong—and that he, alone, decides what that is. So what is the greater sin: to declare …
The God of the Old Testament
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
A Closet Never Cleaned Out
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Prophecy or Apocalypse?
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Confessing Your Sins
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
Why Christ Had to Suffer
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.
At One with God
An audio sermon from Ronald L. Dart.